Following a dream takes courage—and persistence. When you feel like God has called you to do something, but the evidence of being able to fulfill that is little, go forward in faith.
Look at each day as an opportunity to find a clue for how to proceed. Doors will open, one at a time, as you choose to believe and act. For me, writing a book is an adventure that requires listening to God intently.
My devotionals include nature photography. Every picture is a divine moment where I feel like God whispers, “Hey Tracy, look at that!” I can slow down to observe His gifts, or I can charge ahead and ignore Him with whatever agenda of my own presses. But obedience reaps wonderful rewards.
Has God called you to a special task for which you feel inadequate? Don’t worry. Your humility will allow Him to work and receive the glory.
The cover of Arranged with Love started with a field trip to an antique shop. On a rickety wooden shelf in a pole barn, I discovered the dusty brass teapot. A few weeks later, I planted zinnia seeds outside from a $1.99 packet. During the course of summer, bouquet after bouquet developed. One morning, I played around with an arrangement in the back yard and used a fallen palm frond for the background.
That series of random events, with the gifted touch of graphic artist Jonathan Lewis, transformed into the hardback cover of a coffee table book with 30 devotions and floral landscapes celebrating God’s love. The whole process took close to a year.
Follow your dream step by step and trust God to guide.
Today’s Bible verse:
Jesus said the kingdom of God resembles “a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade” Matthew 4:30-32 NIV.
Arranged with Love is available at
Short devotions with music and nature can be viewed at