How often do we get a gleam in our eyes looking at others' possessions?

How often do we get a gleam in our eyes looking at others' possessions?

Laying up Treasure

The word “treasure” can send mixed messages. On one hand, that noun can bring forth images of pirates chasing others’ gold and valuables. We all get a gleam in our eye from time to time and dream of great wealth.

However, the verb “treasure” means to hold something dear, such as a photograph of loved ones. This object may have no special worth, other than sentiment. What priceless object do you protect? Is it a leather baby shoe stored in a tiny box or an old baseball glove?

Either way, what we pursue—and hold—as our prized possession reveals our priorities. Is our contentment based upon acquisitions? If so, we find ourselves on a merry-go-round ride that leaves us dizzy. No matter how much we get, we want more. This constant demand is damaging.

“Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction” (1 Timothy 6:9 NIV).

To be well off, we need to put our hope in God, who richly provides all that we need.

“The emptiness we try to fill with earthly things stems from the desire for more of God,” said author and teacher Nancy Jenkins (Bibledolls: A Panorama of 28 Biblical Women).

To live well, we are advised to complete a wealth of good deeds. We are to be generous and willing to share. “In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life” (1 Timothy 6:19 NIV).

Today’s prayer:

Dear Lord, please help us act on opportunities to do good for others. We appreciate your many gifts and find contentment in this moment with You by our side. Amen.

*If you like hardcover devotionals with color photography, consider “Treasures of the Wise: 30 Devotions for Storing Up Heavenly Riches.” Available on Amazon.

Amazon link to order devotional.


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