Making a vow may be easy with words, but taking action to honor commitment can require sacrifice. We promise to be faithful to our spouse. We swear loyalty to our nation with the pledge of allegiance. Our signatures on legal documents establish accountability.
But what about God? Can we count on what the Bible says? YES!
“He remembers his covenant forever, the promise he made, for a thousand generations,” (1 Chronicles: 16:15 NIV).
I often find answers in nature’s marvels. A seed remains hidden in the soil, awaiting the sun’s warmth to emerge. Jesus, the Son of God, brings forth the good.
And like gentle rain, Jesus’ tears over sin wash clean our unrighteousness.
Because He arose from a dark tomb, we can blossom with hope. Let joy perfume the air and draw others close.
Seasons mimic faith journeys. From a soul’s cold despair, God’s love awakens spring and vibrant blooms. Easter celebrates God’s promise that nothing can separate us from Him. Even when it looks like death has won, there will be new life.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV).
Today’s prayer:
Dear Lord, in seasons where we doubt you or run away because the cost of obedience seems too high, please remind us of Your faithful presence. We surrender ourselves to You. Amen.
Devotional video with spring flowers at