Take Thoughts Captive
My mind runs in a million directions—many of which are counterproductive. Do they like me? Do I look all right? If this happens, what will I do? Why won’t so-and-so just do….?
I tie myself in more knots than the last load of laundry when a thread came loose on a shirt and tangled everything.
But our God is one who restores order in the middle of chaos. He knows all and has vast resources at His disposal. If I can stop stressing long enough to ask Him for guidance and help, everything will settle.
Although the problems may not resolve right away, I will have composure to deal with what needs to be done without making myself—and everyone else around me—crazy.
To counteract the intellectual spin cycle, I will discipline myself to pull on more tightly the helmet of salvation. I will redirect my run-away thinking to the Throne of Grace where Jesus sits calmly and invites me to lay down my burdens.
He knows what we need and delights in caring for us.
Today’s Bible Verse: “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV).
Today’s Prayer: Dear Lord, please direct our thoughts to Jesus. He is our Savior. He shows us how to assess situations and how to respond. With Him, we will find refuge and grace.
If you are interested in conversational Bible studies, consider Refuge of Grace: Finding Your Safe Place. Free study guides on this website under the Bible study tab above.
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