If your family disappeared, what would you do?
In the novel “Who Brought the Dog to Church?” Officer Charles McAdams works hard in Summit, North Carolina, to protect citizens. He puts in long hours to ensure his wife, Sarah, and toddler son, Ricky, have all the good things of life he never did growing up.
McAdams keeps tight control over his family, but not so much over himself after hours. He likes to hang out with his buddy, Doug, and drink a few beers to relax after duty.
Sometimes stress gets to McAdams, and he takes out frustration on his wife. After one particularly bad scene, he leaves the house to cool down at Doug’s place.
When Sarah and Ricky go missing while he is at work, McAdams fears foul play from a criminal exacting revenge. Can the force find McAdams’ family before it’s too late?
Charles never will forgive himself if they don’t.
YouTube playlist for other characters in the novel:
Information about ordering the novel can be found at
Tracy L. Smoak’s Amazon author page is https://www.amazon.com/stores/Tracy-Smoak/author/B007KAHUS8?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true.